Workouts for Women: The female physiology needs very specific exercises. There’s very little information infect, about women and exercise, and that can sometimes be harmful. Here are 4 myths about exercises that women tend to believe and the reality you should know. 1. Exercise will lead to rapid weight loss. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. In fact, for women who are trying to lose weight, the apparent failure of exercise to help can be very demotivating. To keep the record straight, exercise without an accompanying diet management plan can only lead to weight loss of only one kilo a month. 2. Exercises are the same for men and women. Not true. But in India since men tend by to out number women at gyms, the focus is on male centric exercise with male-centric equipment. This means that you are probably not getting the best out of your gym, because it pays little attention to the physiology of women. 3. Workouts remain the same over the length of a women’s life. A women’s body changes throughout her life, which means the exercise she requires must change too. For example, a teenage girl can be advised exercises for strength and better bone structure as well as for proper muscle and fat development to build a good foundation for the rest of her life. Post-pregnancy, the kind of exercises prescribed will need to change, especially if you had spinal anesthesia or surgery, that is only one year old or less: your trainer will have to take into account the fact that ‘internal tissue repair and strengthen takes 18 months and 2 years. Menopausal women need to cope with water retention, bone loss, mood swings and sometimes depression, and their workouts needed to be planned accordingly. 4. The main aim of exercise is to burn calories. Exercise has several important goals. It helps to build strength and agility, create flexibility (to prevent tissue injury), better the co-ordination of mind and body, improve cardio-vascular and lung functions, and oxygenation of the body organs.
By finding small ways to incorporate exercise into your life gradually, you’ll find that you’re setting up a positive path towards life long fitness.
Butterfly Stretch Back Stretch Before starting any health plan follow this advice. Five rules to be happy’ by an happy 90 years old man: (i). Free your heart from hatred. (ii). Free your mind from worries. (iii) Live simply. (iv). Give more. (v) Expect less Plan your workout: This step –by step program helps you through simple exercises, and guides you to increase your physical activity. Study your body thoroughly and then base your Work-out plan on the following points. 1. Remove the barriers that are interfering to reach your goals. 2. Your base plan should consist of simple to use tools, and to help create new habits in your life, the habits which can achieve will power to make lasting commitments. 3. Practice meditation regularly. 4. Sleep for 8 hours at night. 5. Do gentle yoga exercises to activate you i.e. choose a program with range-of-motion exercises. 6. Do simple breathing exercises to energize you. 7. Stay motivated, by always looking for ways to fit fitness in your day. 8. Keep a positive attitude. 9. Make up your plan and start with a 15 minutes workout program and you will realize the difference within a week. 10. Sticking to a Healthy Life-style. Regular workouts: i).Improve blood circulation, so more nutrients reach tissues and organs. It even helps the body’s cells take in nutrients more readily. ii) Exercise also recharges decreased senses of taste and smell. Fitness is a lifelong proposition. Take baby steps and be kind to your body. If you workout too frequently or overuse your muscles you increase the chance of injury and burnout. For fitness start with 15 to 20 minutes of moderate exercise, 3 days a week. Then increase the time of activity, about 5 minutes every week or so. Finally, begin to increase the number of days you exercise by adding an additional day every month, until you reach 5-6 days a week. Take, at least one day rest Exercise & Health: Exercise is important for health especially for cardiovascular health, but diet is an important partner. The next step after food is ‘activity’ – exercise to consume the food in the body. Eat healthy and you can soon feel the benefits of proper eating. Your hair become shiner, skin clearer, eyes brighter, and will have more energy than you’ve had for years. These changes can’t be overnight, but in a few weeks- time you will start feeling better. Workouts boost heart and lungs. Heart- pumping exercise even after years of inactivity can give you the heart healthy benefits of exercise. Before starting the activity, you should thoroughly understand the techniques by familiarizing yourself with the different exercises. Keeping the following points in mind then start your workout plan. 1. The first step is to get O.K. from your doctor, who knows your medical history. 2. Then start with Warm-Ups and gentle introductory exercises. Practice this level at least twice weekly for about eight weeks. 3. This will give stability to the central core and control of the deep abdominal and Postural muscles. 4. When you are very familiar with the technique you can move on to advance level moves, which your body can do easily. If you are unsure of a move, go back to the previous level until you feel ready to move on. Auto-Training: Self-Help Method: Autogenic Training, an easy-to-learn self-help method that promotes relaxation i.e. you can reduce stress and restore emotional well- being. Start workout plan with stretching exercises, a program of soothing slow warm up movements, to create a complete stress-free workout. Step by step go through the series of gentle stretching movements for the entire body. You can exercise at your own relaxed pace- in the comfort of your home. No special equipment is needed. To keep healthy, smart and fit without medicine, do the simple exercise, breathing exercises and yoga asana. In a few days your body will become light, active, fit and your immunity will increase against any sort of illness. On this, is based my workout plan which is a combination of different comparative Therapies. After 15 minutes of initial workout, I slowly and gradually increased to one hour, within 6 months I want to share with you the most beneficial Yoga postures and comparative therapies that I have practiced in my daily routine since all these years, that have helped me in handling numerous common ailments and some chronic ones als Work- out exercises, breathing exercises, yoga therapy and other Comparative Therapies, gave relief to numerous ailments of my body. My experiences of herbs, food, and the effects of exercise on me after my car accident are worth mentioning. When I started exercising I was 68 old, that time I started feeling the sign and effects of old age on my physique. For keeping myself active to face the challenge of old age, I adopted a workout plan which suited my body. Following 'Workout' for being active even in old age. My morning, after awaking, started with ‘Wakening up the Spine exercise’. This exercise is very effective immediately after getting up.
Extreme Back Stretch & Sun Salutation-Surya Namastkar
*Surya Namastkar: This exercise stretches and strengthens the legs, arms and the spine. (1). Stand straight with arms at your sides along the body bent your right leg and rest the foot on the thigh of your left leg. (2). Take a deep breath, raise both your arms above your head straight join both your palms together in a nasmaskar. (3). Hold for 30 seconds. Breathe out and slowly bring your arms and right leg to their original position, i.e. standing straight. (4). Repeat this exercise in the same sequences with the left leg. This will complete one round of exercise. Repeat this round twice more. *Spinal cord Stretch: Extreme back stretch- Following daily exercise for the stretch of spinal cord is found very useful. I do this exercise daily and as a result can touch my legs and feet with ease. Increase your height. (1). Stand straight keeping the legs 15 inches apart. Inhale and at the same time raise the hands and go back from the waist as far as possible. Hold for 2 seconds. (2). Then come forward and bend from the waist with extended hands while exhaling at the same time and try to touch the ground. It will be observed that due to improper sitting and sleeping practice, the sciatic nerve is contracted and it may not be possible to touch the ground. When this exercise is repeated, you will be surprised to observe that not only are you able to touch the ground but even go further touching the legs. Thus the spinal cord gets fully stretched and flow of energy is ensured all over the organ Vulnerable feet during summer: A guide to keeping your blister-free this summer. One of the most summer problems is painful blisters on your feet and toes. Blisters are small pockets of fluid that forms because of friction. Why you get blisters? 1. Sweat: Sweating is one reason that causes blisters on the feet during Summers. It usually happens when the sweat clogs the pores in the feet. If you are going to wear shoes for a long period of hours, then make sure that you air your shores before wearing them. 2. Tight-fitted shoes or too lose shoes can cause blisters. If your shoes aren’t the right fit, then chances are that feet will rub against the shoe causing friction, which in turn leads to blisters. 3. Damp feet: If your feet are damp, then your skin is more vulnerable to blisters in summers. Make sure to dry your skin by cleaning your feet properly and applying talcum powder. 4. Wearing shoes without socks: This is the biggest mistake you can made during summers. Wearing socks reduces the friction between the feet and the shoes. Without socks, the chances of getting blisters are quite high. How to treat them? Moisturize your feet before wearing shoes. You can use petroleum jelly. If the blister is small, then to prevent it from big, apply a band-aid on it before you wear shoes. Apart from that, a lukewarm Epsom salt bath helps to dry blisters and reduce swelling. You can also opt for aloe Vera as its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. If you need to pop the blister? Avoid picking off the top layer of the blister as it leaves it open for germs. Wash your hands and clean the surface of the blister with an alcohol-soaked cotton pad. Sterilize a sewing needle over an open flame and cautiously poke the blister. Let the fluid ooze out, pat clean it and flatten the blister.
Brisk walking could add years to your life: Speeding up your walking pace could extend your life, say scientists who have found that a brisk or fast gait significantly reduced the risk of early death. 1. Walking at an average pace was found to be associated with a 20% risk reduction for all-cause mortality compared with walking at a slow pace, while walking at a brisk or fast pace was associated with a risk reduction of 24%. 2. A similar result was found for risk of cardiovascular disease mortality, with a reduction of 24% walking at an average pace and 21% walking at a slow pace. 3. The protective effects of walking pace were also found to be more pronounced in older age groups. 4. Average pace walkers aged 60years or over experienced a 46% reduction in risk of death from cardiovascular causes. To practice relaxing deep breathing: *Sit with your back straight, lie on your back or stand. Keep your tongue touching the roof of your mouth and hold it there for the entire exercise. Exhale through your mouth, then close your lips and (i) Inhale quietly through your nose to a count of 4. (ii) Stop and hold your breath for a count of 8. (iii) Exhale audibly through your mouth to a count of 7 Repeat steps ( i) through (iii) four times., then breathe normally. Keep in mind that while speed is important in stimulating breathing, in relaxing breathing, the timing ratio of inhaling to exhaling is more important than speed. Some of the most important Pranayama are: 1. Bhastrika Pranayama: This is the very first pranayama (breathing exercise). 1. Sit crossed legs in Sukasana i.e. sit normally crossed legs on the floor with ease. Those who cannot sit on floor they can sit on a chair. But it is very important that while doing any asana, your backbone i.e. your back should be straight. 2. Take a deep breath with all your might, by both your nostrils in a rhythmic count of 10 beats. 3. Hold the breath for a rhythmic count of 5. 4. Then take out the breath with full force from your lungs during the count of 10. Repeat this all procedure of inhaling and exhaling three times, according to one’s capacity, as it should be done with ease. Healthy people or those who are already doing breathe in and breathe out Pranayama can increase the speed of this exercise. You can do this pranayama, in three speeds slow, medium and high. Precautions: 1) Start this pranayama in slow speed, then, slowly increase to medium and ultimately to high. Those with weak lungs and heart should do slowly. 2) Some people have started doing pranayama while walking when they go to morning or evening walks. This can do harm instead of giving you benefits. Pranayama is always done sitting with a straight back. 3). Patients with high blood pressure, heart disease and week lungs, should not do this pranayama with high speed, they should do only slowly. 4). When doing the pranayama you breathe in, do not expand the stomach, the breath should be taken in up-to the diaphragm which will expand the lungs and chest only. 5). While breathing out take the breath out with as much force as you can. This is known as Bhastrika Pranayama. 6). This exercise should be done in limited time during hot climate. 7). In case you have a cold or sinus problem, when you cannot open both your nostrils, you should do the breathing in and out at whatever speed you can. You first close your right nostril, and with the left nostril, do breathe in and out at whatever speed you can. Then close the left nostril and breathe in and out with your right nostril slowly, medium, or quick speed. Then in the end try with both the nostrils. Do this exercise regularly for 3-5 minutes, daily. This will help in opening your nostrils. Benefits: 1. Cold, running nose, allergies, breathing difficulty, sinus, etc. are cured by this exercise. 2. Ailments like Thyroid, tonsils, any defect in the throat are treated with it 3. Pure air, which enters the lungs, keeps heart and lungs healthy. 4. The blood is purified. 5. It increases the immunity and keeps your mind calm and peaceful. 11. Kapalbhati Pranayama: Kapal means forehead; Bharti stands for light, enlighten; this pranayama brightens your forehead, and light shines from your face, says the pranayama Gurus This exercise differs a little from Bhastrika pranayama, where breathe in and breathe out are done with equal force, whereas in Kapalbhati, breathe out is done with force while breathe in done normally. The air taken in by breathing normally is sufficient, but taking out breath is done with force and concentration to throw out the impure air completely. Doing this your stomach goes in and out automatically in a rhythmic order. *1. Sit in an asana like above and breathe in, now with full force breathe out. 2. Repeat this pranayama, breathe in and breathe out for at least 30 times. 3. Do the exercise, slowly, at first gradually increase the speed and the time duration -from 1 minute to 3 to 5 minutes. Note: i). Do not over exert yourself. In the start you will be tired after 1 minute. ii). Just relax and rest. Then begin again. iii). This exercise should be done regularly at least for 3minutes. After two months of regular practice you will be able to do this pranayama for 5 minutes with ease. iv). Initially, you may get a little backache, which will go automatically in time. v). In hot weather you should practice this only for 2 minutes. Doing this pranayama you should think that with the breath you throw out, you are taking out all the ailments of your body. This will enhance the benefits of the pranayama. Caution: High blood pressure and Heart patients should start the pranayama slowly. Benefits: 1. Cures cough, asthma, breathing, allergies, sinuous etc. 2. Good for all Heart, Lungs, and Head ailments. 3. Have beneficial effects on the diseases like obesity, menstruation, gas, and constipation. Is also beneficial to kidney and prostrate ailments. 4. Constipation is the root cause of all diseases, can be cured by doing this pranayama regularly, for 5 minutes, daily. 5. It regularizes blood flow during menstruation, without taking any medicine. 6. Removes obesity by reducing weight approximately from 10 to 16 pounds (4 -8 kg). 7. Opens up the blockage in the heart. 8. Removes depression by changing your attitude to optimist, keeping you away from unpleasant thoughts, which result in calmness, stability and happiness. 9. No other exercise has such beneficial effects on weak intestines by making them strong, and is very good for all stomach diseases. 10. Also, removes Pancreatic and Urinary problems. 111. Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama: Alternate nose breathing: In this pranayama the flow of your breath is directed by closing your nostrils alternatively. The pranayama should be started with the left nostril, as it is a sign of peace. 1. Open your right hand and place your right thumb lightly on your right nostril and the two middle fingers on the left nostril. 2. Keeping your palm of your hand a little above the nostrils, close the right nostril with the thumb. With your left nostril take a deep breath in a rhythmic count of 8 beats. 3. Keeping right nostril close, close the left nostril with the middle fingers. The both nostrils thus closed the breath is held for a rhythmic count of 4. 4. Now remove your thumb from your right nostril and keeping the left nostril closed, slowly and deeply breathe out fully through the right nostril in a rhythmic count of 8. 5. When you have completely exhaled the air from your lungs with all your strength, resume inhaling this time with your right nostril (the same nostril through which you just finished exhaling. 6. When the exhaling is completed, retain the air by closing both nostrils as before during a rhythmic count of 4. Without missing a beat, open your left nostril by removing the fingers and exhale deeply through the left nostril as before with the right nostril closed, when the breathing is complete, close your left nostril and simultaneously try to squeeze your anal muscles. Then breathe out completely from your right nostril with force. 7. The force with which breath-in and breath-out can be done is slow, medium or high speed, depending on your capacity. 8. Completely breathe in from right nostril, after closing the left nostril. Again close right nostril with which you have breath in, and breathe out completely by the left nostril. This completes one round of breathing. But in hot weather do this exercise only for 3 minutes. Note: Thus breathing in and breathing out alternatively from your left nostril and right nostril. After one minute you will feel tired. Rest for some time and then start again. This way you should do for 3 minutes. You can slowly increase the time to 10 minutes, while regularly practicing daily. Benefits: 1. With the squeezing of the anal muscles your urinary bladder will benefit, the muscles of that region become strong. The saints called this awaking of the urinary organs as ‘Kundali Jaggran’, adopted by western doctors as Kegel Exercises for urinary incontinence, leakage of the bladder at the age of 50 and above. 2. When doing this pranayama you keep meditating on ‘OM’ will take you to high yoga meditation, as if some light has enter in you. 3. A number of diseases are cured by this pranayama, like Heart disease, Diabetes, Urinary problems, cold, cough, asthma, sinus, chronic cold, arthritis, tonsils, general weakness, high blood pressure, etc. 4. Regular daily practice of this pranayama clears 30% to 40% of the heart blockades in 3 months. Cures cholesterol, HDL or LDL etc. 5. Removes stress, in short it benefit you mentally, physically and spiritually. Purify your thoughts and cures a number of diseases. 6. Practice of this pranayama for 250 to 500 times will open your ‘kundali’. IV. *Pawanmukta Asana: This exercise will remove gas and other stomach ailments. 1. Lie straight on your back and try to touch your left knee to your chest. 2. Interlock the fingers of both hands and put them on the left knee. Press your knee to your chest and raise your head and try to touch your nose to the left knee. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds. Then bring your leg down and lie straight. Repeat this 2-4 times. 3. Repeat these movements with the right leg and right knee. 4. Then do with both the knees, raising the knees to the chest and touch your nose to the knees. Hold for 10-30 seconds. 5. Then bring your head and knees down on the floor and lie straight relaxed. This completes one round. Repeat 3-4 times to practice. Benefits: 1. Help you digest your food and without the formation of gas. 2. This asana is beneficial for pregnant women. 3. Heart diseases and arthritis pains are also controlled by this asana. 4. Belly fat is reduced. Precautions: Those with waist or back- ache should not raise their head to touch the knee they should only touch the knees to the chest. This will benefit slip disc, sciatica or back ache. Benefits given below, for those who do the following pranayama- exercises, Bhastrika pranayama, Kapalabhati, Pranayama with Tribandha and Anuloma- Vilome Pranayama, daily and regularly at least for 20 minutes. 1). Diseases of lungs, heart and brain are cured. Digestive system improves and diseases of digestive organs remedied. 2). Obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, constipation, Flatulence, Acidity, Respiratory troubles, allergy, Migraine, High blood pressure, diseases pertaining to kidney, sexual disease of male and female etc. are also cured. 3) Immunity develops. Falling of hair or turning prematurely grey or white hair, premature development of wrinkles on the face or other parts of the body, diminution of eye sight, forgetfulness etc. are relieved and process of aging is retarded. Face becomes bright and luminous. 4) Mind becomes stable and tranquil. A sense of contentment is established. Negative thoughts, harmful mental conditions and depression are relieved. All mental and physical disorders and abnormalities are cured. V. *Bhramari Pranayama - (Buzzing Bee sound): Humming bee breath sound seems to fill the skull like buzzing bee. The sound provides a point of focus for the mind. 1. Sit in Siddhasana or Sukhasana, and take a deep breath to fill your lungs to the full. 2. Put your thumbs on both your ears to close them. Place the middle fingers of both hands on respective eyes to close them with little pressure. 3. Press forehead with both the forefingers lightly. Close your eyes then press eyes and the sides of the nose bridge with the remaining fingers. 4. Take a deep- breath and uttering ‘Om’ sound with your mouth closed. 5. Begin to take out your breath very slowly while making buzzing sound of a bee with mental recitation. 6. When the process of exhalation is complete the sound will stop for some time. 7. Repeat the exercise 11 to 21 times according to your capacity. But start with 5 repetitions. Benefits: This is great for meditation and concentration. Also cures throat diseases. Making, sounds is a great way to bring constancy to the breath. It also lengthens the exhalation which with eventually deepens the inhalation and encourages a slow rhythmic breath VI. *Pranayama for Headache, eye-sight and memory: (Murchha Pranayama): 1. Sit in any asana, and close your eyes. Push your head a little backwards and look towards the roof. Through the nose breathe in. Retain breath. 2. Hold in this position as long as you can. Breathe out slowly and simultaneously close your eyes and bring your head to the original position in front. 3. Repeat these steps without break in between. Repeat 5 times. Do regularly. VII. *Shayan-Paschimottanasana: Reduces belly fat: 1. Lie on your back with your legs straight. Join the heels and feet. Stretch your arms over your head straight. 2. While breathing out raise your body above the waist very slowly and bend over the feet and touch the toes with your hands. Hold for 2 seconds. Breathe in and slowly come back to the original position. Repeat 5-7 times. Benefits: This is good for reducing fat from the stomach and keeping the digestive system fit. VIII. *Kevali Pranayama Helps in improving the concentration of mind (dhyana) and silently chanting of mantra is established. 1. Sit in a comfortable position. Inhale by both the nostrils slowly with mental recitation of “AUM”, then exhale. 2. While inhaling, your concentration should be on the letter ‘AU’ and while exhaling concentration should be on the letter ’M’ Thus one breath (in and out) will be completed with the mental recital of the mantra ‘AUM’. Inhalation and exhalation are necessary to do mental recitation of AUM because meditation and pranayama are closely interlinked. Benefits: Increases your meditation – concentration. Kneeling Pose: (i). Sit on the heels with a straight back. Relax. (ii). Separate feet and slowly sink in between, letting the buttocks touch the floor, doing this slowly and carefully, not to damage the knee ligaments. Benefits: This pose benefits by increasing the circulation to prostrate gland, or uterus. 4. Lion Posture: (Shing Asana): (i). Sit on your heels with palms on your knees, stiffly fan out your fingers. (ii). Lean slightly forward over the hands. (iii). Protrude the tongue as far as possible, contract the throat muscles, and roll the eye balls upwards. (iv) Exhale completely saying “Ahhhhhhh”. Repeat 6 times. Benefits: 1. Help relieve sore throat. 2. It stimulates circulation to throat and to tongue.
In the second section of my workout I do running, jogging and clapping on the spot. Strengthening exercises, proper posture and gentle stretching exercises done for 2 minutes can give relief to the joints and muscular pains, which can also be in the initial stages of arthritis. Do running jogging for 5minutes on a spot. Clapping: 1. While jogging on the spot, raise your hands up over the head and clap. Repeat 50 times. Now bring the hands in front of the body and clap, take the hands at the back of the body and clap. Just like you see some dancers doing in their performance. Repeat front and back clapping while jogging 50 times. This is my cardio workout. 2. To Warm-up do 5 minutes spot marching: *Starting with slow walking for 1 minute to warm up my muscles, continue with sport marching program or Running-in-place. Warm up exercise increase the temperature of the muscles and connecting tissue, making them warm and pliable and less likely to tear