Acupressure points on the foot for corresponding organs & Acupressure points on the hand
Acupressure Acupressure proves that health is in your hands. Finger tips form the different mudras. Every- body wishes to have good health till the last breath, Acupressure is a way to prevent old age and maintain youthfulness. Everybody wishes to have good health till the last breath, Acupressure is a way to prevent old age and maintain youthfulness. Acupressure: How it works: All the organs situated in the front part of the body such as eyes, heart, stomach etc. are (according to therapy) situated on the palms or soles and the points which are connected with the organs on the back are situated on the back of the palms or on the upper side of the soles, e.g. spinal cord etc. Chetana: ‘The Current of Life.’ All points on both your palms are up to 1” below wrist control the current of life (Chetana), as taught by Rishis. For the treatment of any disease or organ, pressure is to be applied for 1 minute on each point which is paining when pressed and this has to be repeated 3 times a day. This treatment has to be continued till the pain on these points subsides. Reflexology Therapy:Hand and Foot acupressure is called ‘Reflexology therapy’. Any pain or disease of any organ or part of the body is reflected in the corresponding point of the palms or soles. When you find the pain, it can be said that the fuse has gone from that part. The point would be found tender, thus when this point is pressed it hurts. For the first two days you may not get any result from pressing your points, because until now you have not used them. From the third day, you will start getting the response. Thus simply by pressing both the palms/soles like pumping in for 10 minutes, you will be doing Reflexology Therapy. Any pain or disease of any organ or part of the body is reflected in the corresponding points of the palms or soles. Mudras are a simple part of Yoga and Nature. The Magnetic energy from the body mainly radiates through the tips of the fingers and toes. Practicing this simple technique of Mudras will keep your illness in check. Hasta Mudras are gifted to us by Ancient Indian philosophies and formulae and are widely used in Yoga and nitya (Indian dance), too. Mudras have proven to be relaxing, balancing the basic elements that keep one healthy and happy in life Twelve minutes a day will purchase a toning of the muscles, improve the digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems, as well as increase the energy-giving oxygen consumption to the nerves and brain.
Meditation Mudra,
Mudra for Arthritis
Mudras for health: Vaayu Mudra for Arthritis
Meditation Mudra This pose calms the mind and is a good preparation pose for meditation. Mudra Therapy is non-medical mode of treatment which helps without harming. in this therapy different diseases are treated by holding and retaining the fingers and thumbs in different ways. Mudras (more precisely 'Hasta-mudras' are various postures of fingers and thumbs. Mudras restore a state of balance to the 5 elements and pacify the aggravated humor/s. The 5 fingers of each hand represent the 5 elements. Fire resides in the thumb. Air resides in the index finger. Space resides in the middle finger. Earth resides in the ring finger. Water resides in the little finger. The thumb is the most important among the 5 digits of a hand, controlling the rest of the 4 fingers. Similarly, fire is the most important control the remaining four. According to the Ayurvedic physicians, when the tip of a finger is brought in contact with the thumb-tip the element of vaayu (air) starts increasing.
Bandhas are powerful energy locks, mudras or energy seals, act more gently. If the mudra also involves contraction of the muscles, then it becomes a bandha. These mudras can be done while doing any Pranayam. This way Mudras are more beneficial. Following are some of the mudras with their health benefits.
1. Meditation Mudra: This pose calms the mind and is a good preparation pose for meditation. : Thumb represents Fire or Sun and Index finger represents Wind or Air. This mudra is formed when one touches the thumb with index finger. This interlocking of fingers increase brain- power, mental concentration, memory etc.thus cures sleeplessness.
2. Vaayu Mudra: Mudra for Arthritis Apaan Vayu mudra (Heart mudra) is the most powerful Yogic practice (Heart mudra) also called hridaya mudra and Amritsan-jeenani mudra (mudra for immortality). The index finger is kept at the base of the thumb at the mount of Varun, pressed with the thumb. Cures rheumatism, arthritis, gout, Parkinson’s disease and blood circulation problems. Cures high blood pressure. Vaayu Naashak Mudra
3. Apaan Vaayu Mudra (for Heart)
Touch the big finger to the tip of thumb. Benefits: The most powerful mudra for all circulatory and heart problems. 1. Regular practice is said to have a near miraculous impact on the heart. Is calming, and helps control high blood pressure. 2. Painful conditions like headache, toothache, tummy ache, back ache, joint -pains, heel pain, etc. 3. Performance of this mudra as soon as a heart attack strikes might enable the victim to minimize damage to the heart-muscle.
4. Prithvi Mudra (Earth) (for Weakness)
Prithvi Mudra (Earth): Touch ring finger with your thumb. Gives new vigor and peace of mind. It increases life force, cures weakness of the body and soul.
Benefits: 1. This helps to cure earache, deafness, vertigo etc. 2. This is beneficial for gas, constipation, gall colic, high blood pressure and headaches. 3. This can also be used for under activity of the thyroid gland which slows the metabolism.
5. Kapha-naasak or Pitta-naasak mudra (Pran Mudra): for Nervousness, Fatigue & increases the power of eyes.
Pran Mudra (Life) Here press the ring finger and little finger at the tip of the thumb. This is beneficial for the diseases which are cured by Vayu Mudra. This mudra gives better results also it increase life force and cures nervousness and fatigue. Helps increase power of the eyes and reduce the use of glasses.
Vaata Naashak Mudra
6. Prithvi shaamak - Sun Mudra (surya mudra). Reduces fat of the body.
Sun Mudra: Bend the ring finger on to the palm and press the second fold with the thumb. This helps digestion, increase heat in the body and reduce fat of the body.
7. Varun (Water) Mudra -Purifies blood, cures skin problems and diseases caused by Dehydration.
Mudra formed on the left hand.
Jal Vaadak Mudra Varun (Water) Mudra: Place the tip of thumb and little finger together as shown in Figure.
Cures impurities of the blood, skin problems and makes skin smooth. Benefits gastro-enteritis and other disease causing dehydration
8. Shiv Mudra: (Ling) Increases Heat in the body and increases resistance against cold.
Shiv Mudra: Join both palms and interlock the fingers. Keep the right hand thumb up as shown in the figure.
Bhajarava Mudra: (Gesture of Shiva): Sit in sidhasana, and do this mudra. In this rest your right hand on your left. Rest your hands in your lap, with your palms facing up and let the tips of the thumbs touch. This mudra increases both resistance against cold, changes in weather and also against bronchial infection, fever due to cold. It makes lungs create heat in the body and burn up accumulated phlegm and fat.
Jal Vardak Mudra
Varun (Water) Mudra: Jal vadaak mudra: Mudra n the right hand
Apaan Vayu mudra
Apaan Vayu mudra *To do this, press your index finger to the base of your thumb. Touch the tip of the thumb to the tips of the middle and ring fingers. The little finger is stretched out. Do for each hand. May be done anytime but ideal is in the mornings. Precautions: Avoid if having excessive congestion.
Apaan Mudra Detoxifies & Energizes the body.
Apaan Mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb, middle finger and the ring finger. This mudra is an extremely important and useful mudra that first detoxifies (and, therefore, purifies) the body and then energizes it. Apaan mudra is a combination of Aakaash- vardhak (Aakaash) and the Prithvi- vardhak (Prithvi) mudras. Benefits: This mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders: 1. Constipation, flatulence (gas) and piles. 2. Delayed delivery of a child. 3. Buring in the body/ body-parts. People with a Vaata + Kapha mix constitution should perform this mudra in moderation.
Uttarabodhi Mudra is the Mudra of Enlightenment. Overcomes examination-nerves
This mudra is also called mudra of Enlightenment. As the sun dawns, fears are dispelled. Thus this mudra works like Abhay- gyaan mudra *Interlock the hands (held at navel level), keeping the i) index fingers straight, touching each other and pointing upwards and ii) thumbs extended, touching each other and pointing downwards.
Benefits: A regular practice of this mudra brings about a realization that we should fear nothing or nobody except God i) Helps soothe excited nerves before beginning a daunting task. ii) Enables the performer to overcome examination - nerves, stage- freight, etc. Do 15mts or more, as and when required.
Sahaj Shankha Mudra: this is a simple version of Shankha Mudra
Bhajarava Mudra & Shankha Mudra:
Shankha is the Indian term for a conch. To make the conch first, clench the left thumb with tight fingers. Now, place the left fingers on the back of the right palm. Finally, join the tips of the right thumb and the left index finger. Benefits: The thumb, which represents the element fire, is encircled (and thereby subdued) by the fingers. At the same time, the union of left index finger and the right thumb results in an increase of element air. Shankha mudra brings about a decrease of Pitta humors within the body. Shankha (conk shell) mudra and Sahaj Shankha mudra: Skankha is Indian version of conk shell. This mudra resembles a conk. Method: First, clench the left thumb with right fingers. Now, place the left fingers on the back of the right palm. Finally, join the tips of the tight thumb and left index finger. Effects: Thumb represents the element of fire is encircled by the fingers, thus is subdued. At the same time, the union of left index finger and the right thumb results in an increase of element air. In this way Shankha mudra brings about a decrease of pitta humor but an increase of vaata and kapha humors within the body. The following disorders can be rectified by this Shankha mudra. 1) Feverish feeling in the body ii) Burning in the body/body parts, iii) Allergic disorders, especially urticarial (skin-rashes) iv). Problems, of voice and throat. v) Weakness, paralysis and flabbiness of muscles. Perform for 45mts, or do for 15mts. three times daily. It may be done for longer periods if necessary i.e. when you are suffering from fever or manifestations of allergy. Caution: Those with a Vaata + kapha mix constitution should perform this mudra in moderation. Simplify modification of this mudra is ‘Sahaj Shankha mudra’. This is done by interlocking the 8 fingers and bringing in contact the two upward pointing thumbs. Benefits of this mudra are similar to those of Shankha mudra. This mudra can overcome i) Feverish feeling in the body. ii) Burning in the body/body parts. iii) Allergic disorders, especially urticarial (skin-rashes) iv) Voice (larynx) and throat (pharynx) problems. v) Flabbiness/ weakness/ paralysis of muscles. Do 45mts every day, either at one stretch or 15mts thrice a day. It can be done for longer periods, if necessary (i.e. when suffering from fever or manifestations of allergy). Precautions: People with Vaata + kapha mix constitution should do this mudra in moderation. Sahaj shankha When you interlock the eight fingers and bring in contact the two upward- pointing thumbs. Benefits of this mudra are similar to those of the Shankha mudra.