Natural Healthy Drink for increasing immunity. Haldi' (Curcuma longa) a spice used in the preparation of almost all Indian curries'. A drink prepared with Haldi, refined butter and milk, when taken will increase your immunity, heals internal wounds and gives relief to allergies. The prepared milk haldi concoction is shown in the above picture. You can drink it with or without sugar according to your taste.
History of Coffee – Today’s popular Drink from Italy. The pleasure of coffee has been known since Arabs in the Middle East first boiled coffee berries as a hot drink, probably around 1000 A.D.
The Italians have enjoyed since the 16th century, when they were first Europeans to try it. Still it was only about a decade ago that, continental coffee- bars began brewing exotic drinks and sending their seductive aromas waffling across the country.
Suddenly, it seems, we are all drinking espresso- straight con panna, hungo or doppio,
Cappuccino and café latte.
Coffee grows at an attitude 7000’ above sea level. Coffee beans started out green. It is washing that gives them brown or black color.
Roasted on a scale of zero to 10, at 5-6 they would be a medium dark shade
Roasted at 7 will give a deep brown shade, they are ‘French roast’.
At 8 they are brown/black ‘Italian roast’.
Espresso: It is a name of dark, Italian roast Coffee. It is a name of the brewing method. And is the name of the tangy full flavored, intensely concentrated essence that results when dark roast is brewed in an espresso machine- one shot or one oz, to a cup.
Make espresso with ½ the amount of water (but the same amount of coffee), you have ristretto.
Make espresso with twice as much water as coffee and you have a lungo.
Make it with twice as much water and coffee, and you have a doppio,or double espresso.
Top espresso with whipped cream and you have espresso conparma.
A double espresso topped with whipped cream is doppio conparma
Cappuccino is a hot espresso with steamed milk, topped with a cap of foamed milk.
How to make steamed and foamed milk?
Fill a metal pitcher 2/3 with milk. Submerge the steam heat in the milk. When the jet is just under surface, the milk is foamed.
When the jet is deeply submerged the milk is steamed.
It is the cap of foam, which resembles the color of the hood of a capuchin friar’s robe (called a capuche) that gives the popular drink its name.
Café Mocha: Begin with espresso, add a dollop of chocolate, splash in some steamed milk, top it all with whipped cream, and you have café mocha.Café Latte: This is taken only at breakfast in Italy, but it has crossed Atlantic to become all day coffee drink of the decade here.
Café Latte is one shot, or one oz, of espresso, topped with 7 oz of steam milk. Some coffee bars top the steam with a thin layer of foamed milk. It is calming, nurturing quality of milk with the invigorating, enlivening quality of its espresso- has become an American favorite.
Café Macchiato: Is opposite of café latte. It is an espresso that has only a drop of steam milk added to it.
Mochaccino: To a cappuccino add a dollop of chocolate, and the drink becomes a mochaccino.
Place all ingredients in blender, cover. Blend on high speed until smooth.
Pour into tall glass. Garnish with a dollop of whipped cream. Served with Italian traditional bread- Bruschetta.
Bruschetta: (Traditional Italian bread). Toasted bread rubbed with garlic and drizzled with extra-virgin olive oil sometimes topped with salt & pepper or chopped fresh tomato & basil.
Crème Brule: (burnt cream) is a rich, creamy French cut and topped with a brittle caramelized sugar glaze.