Advise to zee generation: The more you share your knowledge, the more you shine. Knowledge and wisdom are like twins in that there is a very thin divide between the two. True, it is knowledge that can impart wisdom, but we must remember that wisdom to sift knowledge is equally important to lead a meaningful life. Knowledge gives you awareness, but wisdom gives you liberation from complications that can dog your life. Tamil classic Thirukkural quotes, “Wisdom is a weapon to ward off destruction. It is an inner fortress which enemies can’t destroy.” Wisdom is a 24-carat tool that means the deeper the knowledge, the greater the wisdom. Therefore, it is important that one cultivates the right kind of knowledge in order, to acquire the required wisdom to tackle the difficulties in one’s journey of life. We were, told throughout our childhood to remember that there is no wealth, greater than knowledge and that knowledge is the only wealth that does not decrease when you share it with others. The more you share the knowledge the more you shine, and wisdom becomes a rich depository with you. Knowledge, in itself has nothing to do with power, or wisdom. Its power comes out when you use it for the benefit of people. That is why I would say knowledge needs to be used in a manner that it makes others realize the way to forgo ahead in life. To recall what the Buddha said, ”There is no poverty worse than ignorance.” High intensity but brief workouts may be better for your health than long continuous workouts. The Balanced Body: A better body balance translates into quicker reflexes, better muscular strength and joint stability. Balance and equilibrium involve continuous co-ordination between all systems. The vestibular system after the age of 40 contribute to more than 57,000 deaths each year. The Vestibular apparatus present in the ear provide sensory information about motion, equilibrium and special orientation. Balance is important not just because it help reduce risk of falls, and hence injuries, but also because it helps us do our daily activities well. Body balance is a well-orchestrated combination of the skeletal structure, muscular system, central nervous system and ears, and one’s ability to concentrate and be aware (says director of Ortho-pedis and Joint reconstruction). Balance and Equilibrium involve problems with anyone of them starts affecting the other. For example, problem with hip will start affecting your knees, ankles and the back Better balance means better mobility, greater capacity to push oneself harder during workouts, and a lower chance of exercise related injuries. Neuromuscular co-ordination had to be brought bac through therapy and exercise. Exercise that Help: Lunges with Trunk rotation: Assume a forward lunge position. Slowly rotate the trunk side to side with the arms out in front. Repeat on both sides. Five times each. Tree Pose: Start the position by standing in Tadasana with arms at your sides. Distribute the weight equally on both feet. Bend your right knee and start shifting weight on the left foot, as you lift your right pointed downwards. If you can’t take it higher, try taking it as high as possible without losing your balance. Try maintaining balance by gazing at a stationary point in front of your eyes. Now take your arms upwards and join the palms above your head in a ‘namaskar’. Hold for as long as you are comfortable. To release the pose, step bac into Tadasana. Repeat for the same amount of time on the other side. Take Fitness Resolutions. Experts suggest that it is important for people to have a balanced lifestyle which is neither too sedentary nor too stressful. A few basic lifestyle changes can bring a long lasting desired difference for a healthier and happier you. Wellness Consultant, Saumya Satakshi, shared the following tips: *Eat a Rainbow everyday: Make sure you eat your greens, reds, whites, purples, and oranges because these colored fruits and vegetables contain key chemicals. These help us to fight off disease and strengthen the immune system and keep us in good shape. *Go Vegetarian once a Week: Going vegetarian for one day a week for dietary or religious reasons is a small change in the diet that can improve bowel function and contribute to the nutritional value of your diet. *Limit Alcohol and Smoking Consumption: Limit your levels of indulgence. The combination of alcohol and smoking not only affects liver and lungs, as well as increase cholesterol levels, it also has a negative impact on memory. It’s important for people to have a balanced lifestyle – neither too sedentary nor too stressful. *Physical Health and Weight Management: It is important to have routine preventive health check ups done so that one can predict the problems in health and can manage them prevent them. Weight management seems to be the center of good health. Maintaining normal weight not only reduces heart disease, but also prevents certain cancers like breast cancer and endometrial cancer. *Keep Abreast with Social Activities but Don’t Overdo: Meeting people socially is an extremely important human behavior and one must always enjoy being a part of the society. However, it is best to avoid late nights as this can affect both the mental and the physical health. *Balance, Balance, And Balance: Live a balanced life. Practice this philosophy of balance in everything – in what your daily routine is, what you eat, who you meet, what is your activity level, how much you sleep and how much you eat. Healthy Lifestyle for Generation Zee: The above snapshots are the representatives of Zee generation facing a lot of problem, while perusing high studies away from home and facing the world independently for the first time in a hostel. They are experts in dancing, yoga and studies, but are facing life without home facilities. Higher studies, higher achievements are pursued by facing lots of difficulties. In majority of cases – at home your daily routine is set with the help of parents. All of a sudden you are alone in the dorm and are face to face with the daily routine of home as well as the challenging school schedule. That’s why there are so many drop-outs in the first year of the School. To face the challenge fire-up your will power with the following points advised by the researchers of Harvard. 1. Any complaint on your good deed gives you an instant confidence boost. It also strengthens your will-power. 2. Make a fist or clench any muscle in your body it will instantly increase your will – power. Researchers of University of Toronto, explains, that this is because clenching makes you feel more in charge. Tighten your muscles at the exact moment you need to boost your self-control. 3. Studies show that people who have a back-up plan – like keeping crackers on hand for when a potato chip craving strikes – are more successful at reaching their goals no matter how much their will-power is tested. Strange but true: Planning for a lapse in will-power can stroke your motivation. 4. If your will-power is waving, take a second to imagine your future self and how you’ll benefit from sticking to your goals. Scientists call this “crystal ball thinking”, and they’ve shown, simply reminding yourself of the rewards of staying strong helps rev your control. Experience the power up of your mornings with the following rituals: Rituals are considered the most effective self-empowering tools, even if they banal and eccentric at times. Ancient tradition understood the power of rituals in reinforcing habits and changing the way we see and create our reality. You may have your bedtime and mid-afternoon rituals, but morning rituals are the most powerful and effective in charging up your day. Wake up early: Early rises are the most successful in the world. Studies show that early risers tend to be more optimistic and can anticipate and solve problems more efficiently than the late risers. It has been shown that sleeping early and waking up early helps the body get attuned with the earth’s circadian rhythms, thus promoting more restorative sleep. Feeling gratitude is an empowering ritual. When you wake up, be thankful for the bed and pillow you slept on, the rising sun outside the window, and the life you have. Start your day by being thankful for the positive things that happened the previous day. See the way this simple act changes the quality of your day. Listen to music: Uplifting music has a direct impact on mood. It tunes us into a more selective and conscious of the music you listen to in the morning. Try to listen to more uplifting music in the morning even if, or especially if, your mood does not dictate so. Drink hot water and lemon: Hot water with lemon is a favorite with wellness enthusiasts for good reason. Apart from being a good source of vitamin C and a great way of flushing out toxins in the morning. It balances and maintains the pH levels in the body and helps nourish brain and nerve cells. Make a list to-do important tasks: Writing down the most important tasks for the day keeps the focus on your priorities. Begin with the end in mind – think about where you want your life to go and maintain a task list that reflects these goals. The list is mainly about tasks that support important long-term goals aligned to your purpose, passion or general direction of life. For instance, if writing a book is a goal, then one task for the day would be finish off a page or two of the book or at least come up with ideas for stories. Note: Repeatedly, off and on dieting may cause extra weight gain, as the brain interprets these periods as short famines and urges the body to store more fat for future shortages. Researches in UK conducted the study after the observation that animals respond to the risk of food shortage by gaining weight, which is why garden birds are fatter in the winter when seeds and insects are hard to find. Food comes first in every woman’s beauty care, whether she’s dieting for extra vitality, or slimming for a lovelier figure, or just interested in maintaining a normal, balanced diet for the health of herself and her family. For beauty you will spend hours and a lot of money trying to get your thick waist-line cut down, or that sagging neckline propped up, but it will not be an easy job even if it is partially effective. Tips for healthy eating: It is predicted that eating more fruits and veggies makes improvements in positive mood the next day. This shows that healthy eating has a direct impact on mental well-being. *Try to know about yourself, your temptations; the emotional states that encourage you to snack this may help you lose weight once you see how much you eat. *Instead of eating a piece of candy, brush your teeth. If you can’t resist, then eat only half a bite and throw away the rest. *When hunger hits wait for 10 minutes before eating and see if it passes. *Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. Take before meals it dulls the appetite by giving you that ‘full feeling’. *Substitute activity with eating. *If you are late night eater, have a carbohydrate, such as a slice of bread or a cracker, before bed-time to cut down the cravings. Keep an orange slice or a glass of water by your bed to quiet hunger pangs that wake you up. If weight loss is your goal, embark on a detox diet to start your plan. According to a specialist the benefits of such a diet include a healthier complexion, better immune system, improved digestion, increased stamina as well as better metabolism. The fresh juices are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. When the pulp (fiber) is removed, the body is able to consume an abundance of nutrients, with minimal efforts placed on the digestive system.
Memory Health: Six foods that boost your focus, concentration and memory: Being forgetful is usually because of factors such as lack of sleep, tiredness, and genetics. One of the most unknown reasons for having a fragile memory is diet. It’s imperative to include certain kinds of foods in our daily diet to improve our focus, concentration and most importantly, memory. Improper diet, acking essential nutrition, can be one of the reasons for a fragile memory. List of foods that boost our memory. 1. Blueberries: It’s one of the most potent anti-oxidant rich foods. It’s an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin C and fiber. They are also high in gallic acid, which protects our brain against degeneration and stress. 2. Beetroot: This vegetable is anti-inflammatory and helps rid our blood of toxins. They also contain natural nitrates, which hep to boost the flow of the blood memory and concentration. 3. Coconut: Consuming coconut in any form is essential because apart from boosting brain health, it helps to maintain psychological health. Varius studies, over the years, have suggested that coconut water is extremely helpful in dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. 4. Walnuts: Regular consumption of vitamin E helps boost mental alertness, which makes us less forgetful. Walnuts are a power house of vitamin E and they should be consumed on a regular basis for a good mental health. 5. Whole Grains: One of the reasons you tend to have a hazy memory, or you lack mental awareness is that your brain doesn’t get enough energy. Include whole grain in your diet as they provide sufficient energy to your day by including oatmeal, wheat bran, and cereals in your breakfast ss they provide glucose to our body. 6. Tomatoes: The red vegetable contains lycopene, a powerful anti-oxidant that prevents our brain from harmful free radicals. By protecting our brain from free radical damage, lycopene improves our memory and cognitive function. Eating a diet that includes peanuts, chickpeas, apples and a little amount of plant sterols may lower cholesterol and improve blood pressure, new research has found. The diet is based on the “portfolio Diet,” which is plant-based dietary pattern that emphasizes a portfolio of four proven cholesterol-lowering foods. Fasting: Fasting is most common in India – almost all communities in India fast for religious reasons. Usually, people who do it for religious reasons are able to control hunger. But then, there are some who have to battle their hunger-pangs. Most people are so used to eating regularly throughout the day that it can be you need to keep in mind when you are fasting. Take control of your eating: Allowing yourself to experience hunger and to see how little food it takes to feel full again is a huge help in taking control of your eating. Distract yourself: When you feel gnawing hunger, distract yourself, have a glass of water or herbal tea. Start doing something else to keep the thought of hunger away – if you are an exercise freak, you could go for a run. Ignore the Pangs: Fasting can give you a break from the kitchen. Fasting has powerful effects on your brain, your mood and your attitude to food. The kind of control you need, to battle hunger pangs, makes you stronger and can pat your own back, and feel proud of yourself which in itself is a very positive feeling. Fasting will Heal And Cleanse: Remember that your body is using this ‘fast’ time to heal and cleanse. With time, it should get easier to go on a fast. Import never fast to Lose Weight: Fasting to lose weight is extremely harmful for your body and does not really work, because one ends up putting on that much, and more weight, as soon as you are off the fast. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat small healthy meals throughout the day and exercise. No short cuts here
Brain & emotions: Robert Omstein describes the complexity of how the brain affects emotions. A healthy and adequate diet provides the foundation for supplying raw nutrients which enable the body to manufacture neurotransmitters in maintaining a healthy nervous system. Neurotransmitters consist of free floating chemicals which the body provides to enable message to move among the nerves. Receptors represent physical spots or locations in the nervous system which receive and translate those messages. All rights reserved Copyright, Curcuma Health 2009. Researchers at the University of California found that having to deal with high pressure situations damaged people’s ability to remember events afterwards. Remedy: Stay cool in a crisis easier said than done perhaps. But having a few calming exercises to hand can help. Try walking away from the situation and taking 5 mts to lie down or sit in a quiet place with your eyes closed, then breathe slowly. The aim isn’t to fall asleep you’re simply reducing your heart rate and giving your body-and brain- a breather. Overeating: An Italian study found that eating fewer overall calories could help us remember more by boosting a type of protein in the brain vital to memory function. Remedy: Skip dessert. Cutting calories by 25% can be as easy as ditching a slice of cake, or helping of halwa after dinner. But you shouldn’t drop below around 1,300 calories per day talking to your doctor first. Cutting out carbs: High protein, low- carb diets are as popular as ever, but abstracting from the likes of bread, rice and potatoes can leave you fuzzy headed and forgetful. Scientists says that your brain basically runs on carbs, so if you avoid them you will have brain health problems. Stressful situations: High stress events such as rows, deadlines and traffic jams have been found to release large amount of the stress hormones - cortisol and corticotrophin – both enemies of good recall, as they prevent communication between our memory forming brain cells. Untreated high blood pressure: Overtime, high blood pressure can narrow the arteries, reducing blood flow to the brain and triggering episodes of forgetfulness. People with high-blood pressure were more likely to have problems with normal blood pressure. Remedy: If you’re over 40 or have a family history of High Blood Pressure, get yours checked. Losing weight and regular exercise can help control BP, but if it’s very high, medication such as beta-blocker’s or ACE inhibitors can be prescribed. Under-active Thyroid: This common condition affects one in 10 women and memory problems are one of the main symptoms- alongside others such as exhaustion, weight gain and low mood. This is because an under-active thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of the hormone thyroxin which lowers down your memory. Red chili peppers, was found to improve concentration and boost memory just as much as music .Besides Global local beauty secrets: Inputs by Dr Kiran Lohia and Dr Soma Bhattacharya, dermatologists.
Ancient beauty secrets are a rage these days. At times discovered by beauty experts, at others, it’s self-discovery. Here are five packs given by them, picked from world over for a global glow. Korean- Sheet masks are benefits providing for the skin. There is a sheet for everything – to brighten, tighten, hydrate or reduce large ores. There is an overnight sheet mask and use it as a quick-fix at a destination wedding where you are not likely to find a salon. Ill-effects of using packs and masks too often and for too long. Even the most effective pack will dry out your skin and can cause breakouts, if left for too long. When using packs and making sure to wash it off after seven minutes. Korean beauty trends promote the use of sheet masks, which skincare lovers have eagerly lapped up. ‘Sheets masks create an ‘occlusive barrier’ that physically seals in active serums. Theoretically, this helps the product work more effectively, but it can also be quite harmful to your skin if used too often.’ Says dermatologist Dr. Soma Sarkar. Women in China - used rice water to clean their face and finely-ground rice powder as a face powder. Claim to fame: Since rice is loaded with antioxidants, it can take care of multiple skin issues, from premature aging of the skin to brightening. *Quick DIY recipe: Soak ½C uncooked organic rice in 1C purified water for at least 2 hours (overnight, if possible). Strain the rice and dip a wash-cloth in it. Place this sheet to your face, leave for 10-15 minutes. This skincare ritual will reduce tanning and pigmentation and also heal blemishes. Israel- Mud Matters: Believed to have exceptionally cleansing and healing properties, Dead Sea’s black mud is much sought after by beauty brands. If you are travelling to Israel, soak up the goodness of the minerals by floating in the rich muddy sea. But even if you are not, spas in your city will be offering Dead Sea deep cleaning facials and other skin treatments. Claim to fame: Besides being rich in minerals such as magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium, this mud is an effective relaxant for sore muscles. It is also known for drawing out toxins and other impurities from the deepest layers of the skin. Oily and acne-prone skin types will benefit from a deep cleansing mud mask. Ivory Coast- Butter Up: Hardly new, yet shea butter is basking in new-found adulation. The hydrating butter derived from nuts of the karate tree that grows in the Savannah region across West Africa is a priced beauty ingredient of Cole d’ Loire. Claim to fame: Most skincare products for dry and extra dry skin types are formulated with shea butter—the world’s best known hydrating agent – full of essential fatty acids. It also contains vitamin A, is anti-inflammatory and a collagen booster. Use it on dry patches on your face, elbows, feet and cuticles, or pick creams that list it as their active ingredient. Japan- Better Matcha Up: Trust Japanese women for their off-beat skincare rituals. They protect their porcelain complexion by including green tea in their beauty routines – from using it as a skin toner and under-eye freshener to hair masks. The ground form of green tea leaves, matcha, renowned for its high concentration of catechin polyphenols that makes it great for health, is versatile enough for topical skincare too. Claim to fame: The matcha powder can heal and repair sun-damaged skin and make the skin firm and flawless. For those suffering from dark circles, under eye care products made with green tea is a boon; as it is high in antioxidants with soothing properties. DIY tip: Make matcha tea, cool it, and store in a spritzer. Spray this mist on your face when the harsh sun rays or cold wind gets to your skin. Simple remedy for Skin Problems: It is no secret that your skin needs nourishment. The skin is not only the largest organ, but it’s also one of the most complex, comprising multiple layers of tissues, that protect our muscles and organs. The skin protects against pathogens, provides insulation, temperature regulation, and sensation, and it even helps our body to produce vitamin D. Skin ages just like the rest of your body, but unlike the rest of your body, the aging is visible. When our skin is exposed to sunlight and chemicals in the atmosphere, free radicals create oxidation that accelerates aging of the skin. Your skin can look years older than you are because of sun damage. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that nourishes the skin. Antioxidants neutralize the collagen-damaging, drying, wrinkle-producing influence of free- radicals. Sensitive Skin: Green tea relieves sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin which tends to get irritated so on and develop rashes, there is a quick remedy which you can find right inside your refrigerator. Let a tea bag sit in warm water for a little while, then let it cool down and dab it over your face. The antioxidants in green tea immensely help in reducing inflammation and redness of any sort. It is also believed in contributing towards giving one healthy wrinkle free skin, apart from giving it that elusive glow. Due to limited time for taking care of their health and specially, skin and hair the students seek simple and quick ways to conquer the problems like ‘To make cellulite and rough, dry skin disappear from their upper arms and thighs, and rough skin to disappear from their elbows and knees. Winter and arthritic Patient: Cold can spike pain and stiffness in joints, - Orthopedic expects. *Why does winter causes increase in joint pain? Joint pains can occur anytime of the year, but arthritis patients are more vulnerable in winter. The drop in barometric pressure creates room for body tissues to expand, exerting pressure on joints and nerves, and causing inflammation and pain. *How can arthritic patients keep pain at bay? Simple measures can help in pain relief. Aerated drinks, tea and alcohol inhibit calcium absorption in bones. Drink fresh juice and water. Sitting for long hours should be avoided. Try to sta active to keep body temperature high and improve blood circulation. Exercise helps in relieving endorphins, body’s natural painkillers. Aim to walk 4-5 times per week for 30 minutes. *Can lifestyle changes help relieve pain? Lifestyle changes can be helpful in the initial stage. However, beyond a certain stage, medicines and conservative therapies may not be useful. In such cases, replacement of worn out knee is a definitive treatment. It not only helps in pain relief but also helps patients to restore their mobility
Skin care mistakes to avoid in Summer: Input by beauty experts Stay Glowing this Summer by eating foods rich in antioxidants, such as melons, raisins, walnuts, yogurt, tomatoes, beans. Cleansing, exfoliation, moisturization and sun protection are important steps in an effective summer beauty routine. Summer call for extra protection and care for your skin. If your skin urns oily, dull, and has breakouts, you need to scrutinize your daily skin care regime and avoid some common mistakes. *Skipping the moisturizer: Go for a light, oil f, non-comedogenic moisturizer in summer. Keep a face mist, containing antioxidants, handy to cool your skin every few hours. *Ignoring sun protection: Reapply sunscreen frequently as sweat will make it wear off quickly. Apply a good vitamin C serum before applying sunscreen or you can use it overnight to reduce uneven skin tone and acne marks. *Piling on make-up: A tinted sunscreen or a BB cream is a better choice than foundation. Also, skip the compact s it can block pores and lead to acne. *Washing your face to frequently: Do not wash your face too many times to avoid drying up your skin. Twice a day is just enough. When giving the final rinse, splash your face with cold water to close pores. *Not cleansing properly: Remove makeup thoroughly b double cleansing in the night – first with a good cleansing oil sand then with a facial cleanser, preferably one with salicylic acid. *Ignoring exfoliation: Do not forget to exfoliate your skin regularly to get rid of dead cells, which n\may otherwise cause breakouts and infections